
Watch our professors

The other side First Season-Part II

In this video IE Professors of Entrepreneurship, Operations Management, Information Systems, Liberal Arts & Economy talk briefly about their field of research while parachuting, singing, bunjee-jumping or simply by telling a story or asking a question… One of them even confesses that there are no truths only myths!!! Should we believe them? Enjoy!!!

The other side First Season-Part I

In this video IE Professors of Strategic Management, Marketing, Finance, HR, Law and Leadership talk briefly about their field of research while boxing, jogging, or flying in a balloon or in a helicopter… One of them even confesses that the best leadership professor she ever had was Geranio, the horse that she rides. Enjoy!!!


Caving – also known as spelunking in the United States and Canada and potholing in the United Kingdom and Ireland – is the recreational pastime of exploring wild cave systems, while speleology is the scientific study of caves and the cave environment.
Well, spelunking is what we did with Operations Management Professor Fabrizio Salvador, exploring the Valporcuero Caves in Leon, Spain. He says that nobody would like to live a life where everything is known beforehand. Uncertainty allows us to learn and opens up opportunities. It can even be fun – if managed properly!
I fairly battled my way through the cave while Prof. Salvador used the experience to blithely offer a great explanation of how the job of operations management is to specify how we go from A to B with the resources at hand.
I have to confess that the filming of this video, although very interesting, was goddamn tough!! Jumping, diving, rappelling, climbing etc., while filming and trying to make sense of everything… It was all I could do to keep myself from slipping down some rocky slope!!!

P.S: If you want to experience spelunking, try naturocio.


In ancient Greek mythology, Europa was a Phoenician princess who was abducted by Zeus after she assumed the form of a dazzling white bull, taking her away to the island of Crete where she gave birth to Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon. Meanwhile, back in the 21st century, modern day Princess Europa appears to have been abducted in much the same way, but this time by a god called Crisis, aided and abetted by petty-minded critics and sheer schadenfreude, leaving her cast aside and forgotten in a far-flung corner of the world.

In this video IE Law School Dean, Javier de Cendra, defends Europa using some very convincing arguments. He touches on all the key issues – natural resources, the environment, the future of humankind – concluding that Europe as a whole has an important role to play in this world. He basically says that we have to stand up for our dreams and ideas.

The video was shot in Maastricht, the day Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, the oldest reigning Dutch monarch, abdicated the throne in favor of her son Crown-Prince Willem-Alexander. Maastricht was where Dean De Cendra studied, and also where he proposed to his wife. Go Europa!!!

Leading Horses

“Geranio, my horse, is the best leadership professor I ever had!” says leadership professor Pino Bethencourt Gallagher, laughing. “Because,” she adds, “when he reacts to stuff related to body movement that I don’t know about, and that other people can react to, he is showing me that there are things I still don’t know how to do.”

Prof. Bethencourt Gallagher is a highly trained international advisor whose aim is to improve the executive efficiency of economic and political leaders worldwide. She is also the author of the book “Success in Six Cups of Coffee,” which provides some very useful hints on how to improve your network skills and your professional performance.

I really believe that the lessons she draws from horses are worth hearing. Listen to what she says about leading horses and leading people. I learnt a lot, and I think you will too if you give it a try!!!

Photo Professor Pino Bethencourt Gallagher in

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